Pro Trader Hits 66 Bear Market Winners and Counting… Join Him Today!

Get Bear Market Opportunities – Delivered for Free 

When I created our free e-letter Trade of the Day, I envisioned a research service that offered members what no other service can: daily guidance, especially through periods of intense market volatility.

Exactly like we’re seeing right now.

Now, I admit…

Never in a million years did I envision the sort of market chaos we’re seeing today.

But here we are…

And through it all, as the markets go haywire, we are helping readers not only survive this crisis – but prosper in it.

Since the coronavirus crash began, we’ve shown members of The War Room – my proprietary chat room –  66 winners out of 71 total recommendations. That’s a stunning 93% win rate – in one of the most volatile market periods in history.

Throughout the panic and volatility, we’ve kept our focus and guided readers through these unprecedented times with accuracy and precision – and profitability.

And today, I’m inviting you to start receiving our FREE e-letter, Trade of the Day.

I’m confident you can achieve success – even in the midst of global panic – like we are already doing. 

Just sign up NOW and I’ll send one bear market trade idea per day to your inbox… for FREE.





Bryan Bottarelli, Head Trade Tactician

Trade of the Day

P.S. Don’t take it from me…

Here’s a small sampling of what War Room members are saying about their experience – while the stock market collapsed…

Pocketed More Than $15,000

“Amazing first 5 days trading on your recommendations while traveling the intercoastal on a boat. Today alone, I pocketed over $15,000.” – Deborah C.

Highest Win Percentage

“I have had the highest win percentage trading in the past three weeks that I have ever had in all my efforts trading. Thank for the experience, opportunity and steadfast calm in this sea of chaos.” – Brian C.

$20,000 Change, I Love It

“I have seen almost a $20K change in the value of my account since Friday. Up $3K today…I love it, more please…” – Dave H.

Best Day Ever – All Winners

“Dow way down – Best Day Ever, up $4,020 before commissions. All winners.” – Tyler F.

Up $8,000 Today

“While everyone else cries, I’m up $8K today.” – Mount P.

My Account Has Risen 704%

“In the last 14 trading days, my investment account has risen 704%. Yesterday, I solidly joined the 7-figure club.” – George L.

You see, I promise to continue giving you my unique analysis on a daily basis. In these uncertain times, you can count on me and my team to be at our desks fulfilling our mission…

To Make Winning Trades… No Matter What

Just sign up below, and I’ll send one bear market trade idea per day to your inbox… for FREE


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