Three Crash-Proof Stocks You Need to Buy Now.

If you have a 401(k), IRA or brokerage account – or even just a money market or savings account – this is the most important message you can read right now

I’ve put together an urgent report titled “Three Crash-Proof Stocks You Need to Buy Now.” It details…

To access this report FOR FREE, just sign up for my Trade of the Day e-letter below. Every day the markets are open, you’ll get real-time analysis to help guide you through these dangerous times. 

I wouldn’t delay. 

These three stocks could save your portfolio as they help keep the world healthy and safe.

But you need to act now – before the masses catch on

Just sign up below and I’ll send the report to your inbox immediately.

Stay safe and speculate smartly,




Bryan Bottarelli, Head Trade Tactician

Monument Traders Alliance

P.S. Members of my proprietary chatroom – The War Room – have already been making big money on these stocks. Just look at what they are saying…

“Woo hoo! Just cleaned up. – sold my 3/20 170C in @ $2.45 out @ $4.64 for 89%. Wiping out the red”– Anam C.


“Bryan, thanks for another nice trade. I held a little longer and pulled in some nice profit on this one more time. You are rocking this crazy market, sir.” – Rick R.


“Panic? My account is up to 2,030K. That’s a 1,262% increase in under 1 month.” – George L.


Anam, Rick and George all made profits during this pandemic thanks to the three stocks I reveal in my free report. 

So once again, don’t delay. You need to buy shares before the masses catch on. Sign up today to get this free report now! 

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*Past performance is not a predictor of future results. There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary. All investing involves risk. Your capital is at risk when you invest - you can lose some or all of your money. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose.

*There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary.