The world is heading toward lockdown to combat spreading the coronavirus.

It’s a pandemic that has sent the entire globe into panic. 

Financial markets are tanking. 

Trillions of dollars have been lost.

The longest bull market in history has been slaughtered as a result. And now we are heading for a recession.

Investors are hitting the escape button and stocks across the board are selling off.

The big questions are…

What should you do? And is there any way to play it?

I’ve found one stock I think is an essential buy-and-hold during this crisis.

While most companies are struggling to sell anything in a quarantined world, one stock is seeing demand for its product skyrocket.

Here’s the scoop… 

A Must-Buy First-Mover in Telehealth

Founded in 2002 and headquartered in New York, Teladoc Health (stock symbol: TDOC) provides telehealth services (virtual healthcare) in 450 medical subspecialties, such as flu and upper respiratory infections, cancer, and congestive heart failure.  

Teladoc Health provides these services through mobile devices, the internet and video, enabling the company to canvass 100 countries worldwide.  

In fact, Teladoc Health is currently the global leader in virtual healthcare.  

After all, just about everything you can think of can now be done online. Heck, you can now get approved for a mortgage online – in less than five minutes. But the healthcare industry has been slow to adapt. That’s where Teladoc Health comes into play.  

For $45 per visit, Teladoc Health is attempting to provide its 38 million members with around-the-clock, on-demand healthcare appointments using voice or video chat.  

And here’s the thing… Business is booming in the new social distancing world. 

Check this out…

In the first week of March, patient visit volume spiked 50 percent over the prior week, and it continues to rise. 

The company had been handling visit demand consistent with peak flu volumes, but it has seen that number accelerate to as many as 15,000 visits requested per day as the outbreak grows. 

Teladoc Health has provided approximately 100,000 virtual medical visits to patients in the United States in the past week, helping to alleviate pressure on the broader healthcare system.

The company’s platform enables both patients and providers to have an integrated “smart user” healthcare experience – using both mobile devices and the web. This allows them to serve patients in both the United States and internationally.

Think about it like this…

What’s worse than going into a disease-filled doctor’s office waiting room when you’re sick – and sitting next to the guy hacking up a lung or the kid sneezing his green boogers all over you?

Instead, how great would it be to seek medical treatment over Teladoc Health’s online portal?

To me, that sounds fantastic.

And if you look at Teladoc Health’s numbers, you’ll see that others are starting to realize this as well.

Teladoc Health’s paid memberships rose 61% in 2019, and that was before the coronavirus hit the markets!

Last year, the company took a $97 million loss. It was off Wall Street’s radar as a result.

This year, the company expects profitability for the first time, with top-line growth of 20% to 30% in the years ahead. 

But with patient volume growing exponentially in the past few weeks, those estimates are way too conservative. They could double those projects, handing smart investors a big win as a result. 

It’s already catching on. Teladoc’s stock shot up 21.28% in one month while the markets were down more than 30%. 

But that party isn’t over. I believe it’s just getting started.

Action Plan: I feel this is the top stay-at-home winner to add to your buy list – especially since the company is in the healthcare field.

That’s a double benefit – making it worthy of a position in your ledger. 

P.S. Right now, in a world that soon might see a “CLOSED FOR BUSINESS” sign on every store window in America, there are a handful of stocks worth playing. Many on the downside. Join me in The War Room and I’ll show you exactly how to play them!

Here’s what War Room members have told me this week about their experience thus far…

“+$17,000 and yes I posted the buy-in prices. Just closed for gains.” – Willie W.

“I have had the highest win rate trading in my past three weeks since joining The War Room than I have ever had in all my efforts trading. Thank you for the experience, opportunity and steadfast calm in this sea of chaos!” – Brian C.

“Since the change in style this week, I have seen almost a $20K change in value in my account since Friday. Up $3K today… I love it, more please.” – Dave H.

“BB thank you great service where else can you make this kind of money when the market tanks!!!” – Peter W.

“Bryan and Karim – the complete coverage by both of you on approach and experience is awesome and consistent. Since I rarely give out compliments – I hope you take this one to heart.” – Charlie F.

“I am very happy here. This room is great, and the people are great. This market is acting like it has never been before, so we could not be in a better place or have a safer team to be working with. I could not be more ready to clean house.” – David P.